3.15.10-2.5 years old

This year is already flying by and I can't believe that my little guy is getting so big. He will soon be a big brother and no longer my baby. We are already looking at preschool for the fall because he asks me multiple times a week if he can go to school. We checked out Horizon preschool today and I can't believe how well he fit in with all the 3 and 4 year olds. He did a great job listening to the teacher and playing with the kids. He definitely is ready for school, I'm just not sure I'm ready for my baby to grow up :)

This year is already flying by and I can't believe that my little guy is getting so big. He will soon be a big brother and no longer my baby. We are already looking at preschool for the fall because he asks me multiple times a week if he can go to school. We checked out Horizon preschool today and I can't believe how well he fit in with all the 3 and 4 year olds. He did a great job listening to the teacher and playing with the kids. He definitely is ready for school, I'm just not sure I'm ready for my baby to grow up :)
Here are some other ways that he shows me he is now a big boy:
~He no longer calls his monkey "nokey" and now says monkey. This makes me sad because I thought nokey was just the cutest thing!
~He no longer calls milk "nok," he now calls it "mok" which is pretty funny!
~He's resisting bedtime and naptime. He tries to find any excuse not to go to bed (I have to go potty, one more book, I want to rock, I need more cars, etc) This is making bedtime a challenge but we are working through it.
~He understands where we are going in the car. All I have to do is drive on the road that has a Starbucks and he immediately asks for a donut! Oh no, what have I started! I obviously go to Starbucks way to much!
~He is starting to have an attachment to things. He wants to bring his monkeys (mommy & baby) with him wherever we go as well as his blankie. I make him leave them in the car, but still....it's a lot to lug around.
~He now calls Sophie "Sopey" instead of what he used to call her "Soey."
I'm sure there are many other things that I could list, but my pregnancy brain isn't working too well! On a side note: the other day he said the funniest thing. As soon as he woke up and had breakfast he wanted to go play outside. It was 9am and still really cold outside. I told him that he could go outside in 2 hours. He said 2 minutes and I again told him that we had to wait 2 hours because it was cold. We went about our day and later that night when Daddy got home, Nate said "do you want to play outside." He then said, "in 2 hours." Too cute!
1 comment:
Ha ha, whenever we drive by a Starbucks Emersyn yells "HIGH CHAIR" because we let her go get her own high chair and wheel it over to our table. Such a little Starbucks generation we are raising! :)
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