Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A taste of Spring

Last week we had some nice spring weather.  It was nice enough to spend some time at the park.  Daddy had to work late, so we headed to the park for some fun.  (The park is walking distance from our house.) 
 Ava had a blast going down the slide...
  and Andrew loved the swing....
and REALLY loved the tire swing.
 Ava is funny about the swings.  She won't swing unless she is sitting on my lap.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Kayla's birthday weekend

My sister's birthday was March 8th and her and her family came up for the weekend.  We started our morning at St. Honore, one of our favorite places, for breakfast.  It was a beautiful day and the kids had fun running around and entertaining their cousin.

 These girls are so cute together!
 I love how Leyton is laughing in this picture.
 Andrew was pretty attached to Pama that day.  Love that my sister was able to capture these pictures of them together.
These kiddos were having so much fun posing for Auntie Kayla's camera!
 That afternoon my mom, sis & I did a little shoe shopping and then we all got back together that night for dinner and dessert.  
 Kayla and Leyton decided to spend the next few days in town so on Monday the kids got a little time with Pama while Kayla & I went to Ikea.  It was fun to get some time away with my sister.
Aren't these girls just the cutest?!  I love watching their friendship grow.
 3.9-11.2013 Andrew 5 1/2, Ava almost 3, Leyton 16 months

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Chuck E Cheese

A few weekends ago we did a family night with our friends the Leonards at Chuck E Cheese.  Andrew and their boy Carter are best friends so we wanted to have a fun night for them.  It turned out to be quite the night.

Saturday at Chuck E Cheese is a terrible idea!  It was insanely busy and us parents were definitely not thrilled about it.  So we decided to buy a few tokens, let the kids for about 30 minutes and then head home. 
Ava was a bit nervous with all the kids running around but we finally convinced her to go on a ride.
 Daddy helped Andrew with a few of the games.  I LOVE Matt's face in the picture.  You can tell how thrilled we all were to be there!
We gave the kids one more token to use before heading to dinner and they chose to go on this rollercoaster.  We put in the token and it would work.  Andrew was so upset, he was almost in a panic. 
We quickly left and Andrew told us he never wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese again...perfect!  The 30 minutes of craziness were worth it to here him not want to go back!
We picked up some Red Robin and headed back to our friends house for a fun rest of the night.