Saturday, September 22, 2012

Zoo day!

We got to spend an unexpected day with Auntie Kayla and Leyton on Thursday.  My sister called on Wednesday and said that she was coming to town for a few days to see her friend.  We were lucky that it worked out for all of us to go to the zoo on Thursday despite the cool, misty weather.  There were no crowds and we were able to see tons of animals.  It was such a fun morning!
 This was pretty amazing!
 Andrew loved it!
 Andrew was not interested in taking a picture, but Ava wanted too :)
She thought he was making a funny face....
 so she decided to make a funny face. 
 We always have fun with Pama!
 Such a sassy girl!
 Love my kiddos.
 Andrew didn't want to take a a picture until Tenley decided to check her wingspan.  

That evening we had dinner at my parents so we could spend more time with my sister and Leyton.  Andrew adores her and wanted to hold her.  She thinks he is so funny and gives him lots of kisses and giggles.
9.20.2012- Andrew 5, Ava 2 & 4 months, Leyton 10 months

Friday, September 21, 2012

The end of boating season

I'm sad to say that boating season has come to an end.  We got out a few more times in the last few weeks, but even though the temperatures were in the high 80s, the air felt much cooler and the river was a lot colder.  We still had tons of fun though!
 She's a sassy girl and she loves her Pama!
We ran into our friends the Mason's on the river and had some fun swimming with them.
 It was much cooler the next day we went out.  Andrew was the only one who ventured in the water to collect some leaves.
 His leaf collection. 
 My handsome guys!
 9.13.2012 Our dog Sophie loves the boat! 
 9.17.2012- Our last day on the boat.

School Birthday Party

On Monday we celebrated Andrew's birthday at school.  I brought donut holes and juice for the special snack.
  Andrew got to decorate his birthday crown.
 And he got a book about pumpkins from his teachers! 
 Reading his new book.  This is such a classic Andrew face!
 Playing with his buddy Cole.... 
 making silly faces ... 
 and building towers.
9.17.2012- Andrew's Pre-K class at Living Savior

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Andrew is now a little soccer player and pretty good at it too!  He had his first practice and game last Saturday.  He wasn't very excited about, but once he was there he had a blast.  It helped that Daddy was the couch.  He is one of the oldest on the team and one of the best...making 2 or 3 goals (I don't remember the exact number since I was chasing Ava all around the place).
Before he got his jersey.....
 with the jersey, showing me his soccer skills.
 Listening to Daddy, Coach Nate, talk about the word of the day: enthusiasm.
 Cartoons entertained Ava for a little bit of time, but after awhile she just started running all over the place.
 Hi-fiving Daddy after he made a goal.

 Snack time after a good game.
9.15.2012- Andrew at 5 years old