Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve

Our day was spent mainly separated.  The boys went to work at Daddy's office and Pama, Ava and Mommy went shopping for some items for her big girl room.  It was a fun girls morning!
I tried to take a few pics of the kids all dressed up before dinner.
Later this evening we all got dressed up and headed to dinner at Lake Oswego Grill (Wilsonville).  The evening started off a bit rough with Andrew being super grouchy.  He even refused to eat dinner until half way through the meal he decided he wanted to eat.  Luckily there was plenty for him to eat of Ava's dinner.  He then perked up and we were able to do our activity I brought for the night.  A little New Year's Eve interview.
We came home for some festivities.
 A little cake eating (the kids wanted to blow out candles), some party hats, Charlie Brown New Years, horn blowing, confetti poppers, and sparkling cider toasts.  Such a fun night with our kiddos.
 Happy New Year!  Looking forward to a wonderful 2013!

Big girl bed

Ava's big girl bed has been sitting in her room for over a month.  I just wasn't ready to be done with the crib.  She is such a busy girl that I thought she would never sleep unless she was confined in her crib.  She would ask me every night if she could sleep in her bed and I would tell her that she didn't have sheets yet.  It was the truth (I hadn't found any I liked) and she was perfectly happy with my answer.  Well, on Christmas Eve, Papa & Pama got her princess sheets and she was so excited!  So on Thursday afternoon's nap she had her last sleep in her crib.
 And that night she had her first sleep in her big girl bed.  She was so excited and did great!  
12.27.2012- 2 years 7 months

Christmas with the Ming's

We headed over the my parents around lunch time for the rest of Christmas day.  While the little girls napped, Andrew challenged us to some video games.  He beat everyone at Wii sword fighting.  It was pretty funny.
 Andrew showed Papa his new Batman "computer" which has tons of different games.
 We spent most of the afternoon just relaxing.
 This is the face Ava makes when you ask her to smile.  She is such a silly girl!
 After the girls woke up we had an early dinner which was delicious and then opened presents.
 We tried to get some pictures of the cousins together.  Andrew really wanted to hold Leyton, but it wasn't working well so we moved them to the couch to try and capture at least one good picture.
 My kids love Leyton!
 My kids and their "computers!"
The girls had fun playing together too.  Ava got that baby backpack from Papa & Pama and she wouldn't take it off for the rest of the night...she loved it!
Such a wonderful Christmas with our family!

Christmas morning

I love Christmas morning.  It's my favorite.  The kids are so excited they can't wait to rip open all of their gifts.
 They ran downstairs and headed straight for the stockings.  Andrew wanted to know if Santa brought him anything (he was naughty the night before so he wasn't sure).  They were both excited to see some presents left from Santa as well as their stockings.
 Pure joy!  Santa brought Ava a Cabbage Patch doll.
 And he brought Andrew lots of Batman toys.
 They both had tons of fun opening their stockings and find all of the treasures.
 Love the excitement on his face!
 We took a quick break to have some breakfast and watch the Christmas parade on t.v.  Andrew was too excited to eat but Ava ate every bite of her cinnamon roll.
 Now for the gifts...
 While she was opening each gift, Ava kept saying, "oh my goodness, oh my goodness!"  It was the cutest thing.
 The kids got Daddy Wii Resort...Andrew was very excited to show Daddy.
 As soon as she opened up her baby bed she said, "baby, you got a bed!"  She grabbed her baby and brought her to the bed to show her.  It was adorable.
 Andrew loved every gift and was so excited.
Christmas morning with kids is the best!