Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas with the Ming's

We headed over the my parents around lunch time for the rest of Christmas day.  While the little girls napped, Andrew challenged us to some video games.  He beat everyone at Wii sword fighting.  It was pretty funny.
 Andrew showed Papa his new Batman "computer" which has tons of different games.
 We spent most of the afternoon just relaxing.
 This is the face Ava makes when you ask her to smile.  She is such a silly girl!
 After the girls woke up we had an early dinner which was delicious and then opened presents.
 We tried to get some pictures of the cousins together.  Andrew really wanted to hold Leyton, but it wasn't working well so we moved them to the couch to try and capture at least one good picture.
 My kids love Leyton!
 My kids and their "computers!"
The girls had fun playing together too.  Ava got that baby backpack from Papa & Pama and she wouldn't take it off for the rest of the night...she loved it!
Such a wonderful Christmas with our family!

1 comment:

Janet said...

Such a fun day! You'll have to send me some of the pictures.