Thursday, December 27, 2012

Palm Springs

The Monday before Thanksgiving we hopped on a plane and headed to Palm Springs.
The weather was perfect (in the 80s) the whole time and we had a blast as a family.  
Ava even got braver and started jumping in the pool without holding onto anyone's hands!
Our days consisted of lounging by the pool, squirt gun fights, playing games, tea parties, ninja turtles, book reading (I even read a whole book!) and lots of food.  Nate and I even got a few dates during the week.
 Thomas and Tiffany arrived a few days after us.  This was our first trip with the whole family.  Andrew loved having Uncle Thomas & Aunt Tiffany around, but Ava wasn't too sure about it.  She finally warmed up to Tiff but was still hesitant about Thomas.  She is so shy around anyone other than us and her grandparents.
 Lunch poolside everyday is always lots of fun!
Ninja Turtles for the boys....
 and tea parties with Minnie Mouse for the girls.
 Ava loves these animals and plays with them most of time while she's in the pool.
Such a wonderful family vacation with the whole Bailey Family!
11.19-25.2012 Andrew 5, Ava 2 1/2

1 comment:

Kayla said...

The two of them in the lounge chairs cracks me up!!!