Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve

The day started out very slow. We all slept in and then headed to my favorite bakery, Saint Honore, for a very late breakfast. The rest of the day we spent hanging out and putting together our new t.v. stand.
Trying to take some pics of the kids before dinner and this is what I got....
I told Ava to give her brother a hug and this is what happened. Andrew's face is priceless, I just wish I could see Ava's face too.
This evening we met up with our friends, the Leonards, along with some other friends for dinner at a local chinese restaurant. The boys, all similar age, did great playing with toys and watching the iPad, but Ava was a total mess. She was not at all interested in staying in her seat.
This was Ava at dinner....she just sat herself down on the floor, in the corner.

After dinner we came home, ate some cupcakes (thanks to Nate suprising me with them this afternoon) and then the kids headed to bed.
A few pics after dinner....
Aren't they just so cute?!

My parents, sister & Leyton (Cory is on his way to the Rose Bowl) came over to have some cupcakes and hang out for a bit. Andrew heard all the commotion and came downstairs to hang out for a bit. As of 10pm he was still awake! I think he is finally asleep.
We had such a wonderful 2011 full of many blessings and look forward to an even more exciting 2012!

Ava's words

Ava is just starting to say some words lately. As of now these are the ones she says:

Ahma (grandma/pama)
Ahpa (grandpa/papa)
uh-oh (her first real word)
beebee (baby)
boo (when she's playing peek a boo)
shh (shoes)
buh (book)
Ariel- her own little way that I can't seem to figure out how to describe, but it's super cute

I'm sure there are more, but it is late and I can't think of everything. I will add more when I think of it.

I have to add that she also loves to point to her eyes and nose and point to other's too. She also really loves to show off her outfits that she is wearing everyday by rubbing her stomach and looking down. It's really cute. She loves to find toothbrushes and put them in her mouth and loves to comb her hair.

Ava's 19 1/2 month stats

I didn't make it to Ava's 18 month appointment on time either. So I took both her and Andrew at the same time. Thankfully Nate was there to help out. She did not do as good at her appointment. She cried from the time she had to get weighed, through the whole time the doctor was checking on her and during her shot. Poor girl, she did not like the doctor! Her stats:

Weight: 23 lbs. 7ozs (28%)
Height: 32 inches (44%)
Head: 47 3/4 cm (76%)

She had one shot, her MMR. Overall the doctor said she is doing well. Her weight has improved and she seems to be growing at a normal pace. She has a rash on her face due to all of the dry weather we've been having with a combination of her drooling, but the doctor did not seem to be concerned and told us to keep vasaline on it.

Andrew's 4 year (& 3 month) stats

I didn't make it to the doctor for Andrew's 4 year check up during his birthday month. So here are his stats at 4 years and 3, almost 4, months. (12.29.2011)

Weight: 37 lbs (48%)
Height: 42 inches (75%)
BP: 92/68

He also did his first eye test & hearing test. They were shocked at how quickly he did his eye test. The nurse said that it is the fastest she's ever seen a four year old do it before. His eye sight is 20/25.

He had 1 shot (polio) and the flu mist. He did awesome! I think he disliked the flu mist the most. He didn't even flinch or cry when he got his shot. We were so proud! He did really good through his whole doctor appointment.

We've always thought Andrew was pretty tall for his age. People are always commenting on how tall he is. We thought maybe he'd get lucky and he'd be tall when he grows up. So when the doctor told us that he was in the 75% we thought he had a good shot at maybe reaching 6 feet. So I asked the doctor and she said that if he continues to stay at the same growth pattern he will be some where between 5'8'' or 5'10'' such luck I guess!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas with the Mings

We spent the day after Christmas with my parents, sister, brother in law and Leyton. It was lots of relaxing and spending time together.
I really love this picture of my parents....right before opening a present.
My parents opening an ornament that Andrew made them. I found the idea on pinterest; it's his handprint made into snowman and it turned out super cute.
This is Andrew's "cheese" funny. I can just hear him saying cheese when I look at this!
Playing with Andrew's new batwing from Papa & Pama....he LOVED it!
The kids relaxing a bit.
And relaxing a bit more while cuddling with baby Leyton.
LOVE this picture of Ava.
Lots of relaxing....Andrew was so tired after all of the festivities.

I love the way Andrew is watching Ava play with her new Little People ferris wheel.
My sweet niece Leyton...I love this picture of her.
Andrew is having fun with Papa.

This picture makes me laugh. This is what happens when I try to take a family picture and the kids are overtired.

They did much better with Papa and Pama.

Christmas with the Greats

The day after Christmas we went to my parents to spend some time with my grandparents and my uncle who were in town. We had breakfast, exchanged some gifts and had a great time together. It's always great getting to spend some time with my grandparents and my uncle.
The kids love their great uncle Gerald. He's just tons of fun and is always willing to play with this kids.

This could be one of my favorite pictures of Ava and my grandma. My grandma loves children. I remember when we'd spend the night at her house when we were little she would always read stories to us, so it was so cute to see her reading with Ava. Ava loved getting to spend time with her.
We took some family photos with the kids.

12.26.2011- Andrew 4, Ava 19 months

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas with the Bailey's

This year we celebrated Christmas day at the Bailey's house. We all had such a great time! The kids loved opening all of their gifts and playing with them. The adults enjoyed a fun game of Taboo with lots of laughs and I think we all ate enough food to feed an army!
The kids opening gifts.....

frames I made for my mother in law and sister in law
love this boy!
and love this girl!
Andrew really enjoyed cuddling with his Aunt Tiffany. He always has such a great time with Aunt Tiff and Uncle Thomas.

Her new toy from Grandpa & Grandma....she loves it and pushed it and dragged it all around their house.

Family pictures....Ava was tired and not too interested in doing a picture with Papa & Pama.

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning was both tons of fun & chaotic! Andrew is at such a fun age for Christmas this year. He was so excited that on Christmas morning, he peaked in our room and said, "Merry Christmas!" It was so cute. I really wasn't sure if he'd remember right when he woke up or if we'd have to tell him. We quickly went downstairs to open our stockings and our gifts from Santa.

Ava taking off with one of Andrew's new toys....typical Ava!
Andrew loved his new Batman ornament and Ava loved her Ariel ornament. Definitely both of their favorite characters right now.

Ava checking out her new jewelry box from Santa. She loved the ballerina that played music and spins around.
After stockings we had our traditional Cinnabon cinnamon rolls. Andrew didn't eat, not even one bite. I think he was just too excited. Ava loved them though! After breakfast we headed into the living room to start on all of the present opening.

The only picture I could get of the two kids together on Christmas morning. Aren't there pajama's just the cutest?! I love that they match.
Andrew loved opening all of his presents and was very thankful for all of his gifts. He mainly got batman stuff.
Ava loved her new baby doll. She was a whirl wind that morning. She wasn't very interested in opening up her gifts, but when she did see her new toy, she wanted it opened immediately. She had absolutely no patience. As soon as we would give it to her, she wouldn't want it and we'd start the whole process again. It was a little crazy!
Andrew loved his new agent P slippers (from Phineas & Ferb).

And this picture sums up my daughter....a fun, spunky, sassy little girl who is full of joy!

It was such a wonderful Christmas morning with our little family. I love that time just the four of us.
Andrew 4 years, Ava 19 months