Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ava's 19 1/2 month stats

I didn't make it to Ava's 18 month appointment on time either. So I took both her and Andrew at the same time. Thankfully Nate was there to help out. She did not do as good at her appointment. She cried from the time she had to get weighed, through the whole time the doctor was checking on her and during her shot. Poor girl, she did not like the doctor! Her stats:

Weight: 23 lbs. 7ozs (28%)
Height: 32 inches (44%)
Head: 47 3/4 cm (76%)

She had one shot, her MMR. Overall the doctor said she is doing well. Her weight has improved and she seems to be growing at a normal pace. She has a rash on her face due to all of the dry weather we've been having with a combination of her drooling, but the doctor did not seem to be concerned and told us to keep vasaline on it.

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