Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ava's words

Ava is just starting to say some words lately. As of now these are the ones she says:

Ahma (grandma/pama)
Ahpa (grandpa/papa)
uh-oh (her first real word)
beebee (baby)
boo (when she's playing peek a boo)
shh (shoes)
buh (book)
Ariel- her own little way that I can't seem to figure out how to describe, but it's super cute

I'm sure there are more, but it is late and I can't think of everything. I will add more when I think of it.

I have to add that she also loves to point to her eyes and nose and point to other's too. She also really loves to show off her outfits that she is wearing everyday by rubbing her stomach and looking down. It's really cute. She loves to find toothbrushes and put them in her mouth and loves to comb her hair.

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