Monday, December 5, 2011


This year I decided to do Advent for the kids. I made a little banner and each day Andrew opens the bag and we read him the note. The first two days he wasn't very thrilled. Day 1 was a toy manger scene that I think Ava enjoyed more than Andrew and day 2 was Elf on the Shelf. Andrew was pretty upset that he wasn't getting Batman toys. I really didn't want to make Advent about getting new gifts, but more about doing fun Christmas activities as a family.

Andrew was not thrilled....Ava loved it.
Andrew watched the Elf on the Shelf cartoon and seemed to like it but still didn't want him to stay at our house. He kept saying that he wanted him to leave....I think he was afraid that he would tell Santa that he was naughty and then he wouldn't get any gifts. By day 3, he decided he liked his Elf, Chippy, probably because he found out his friend Landon has one named Chippy too.
Our Elf Chippy.
Day 3 of Advent was write a letter to Santa. This was by far Andrew's favorite day. He was so excited!

Day 4 was make a gingerbread house, which he loved too.

And day 5 was get a treat and go look at Christmas lights. His treat of choice was a candy cane, which he calls candy can. The kids love looking at lights. Andrew points at everything and he for sure likes the colored lights the best.


daphne said...

super cute banner ming!so fun :) love your elf's name

Andrea said...

So So cute tinaming! I love it.