Saturday, December 31, 2011

Andrew's 4 year (& 3 month) stats

I didn't make it to the doctor for Andrew's 4 year check up during his birthday month. So here are his stats at 4 years and 3, almost 4, months. (12.29.2011)

Weight: 37 lbs (48%)
Height: 42 inches (75%)
BP: 92/68

He also did his first eye test & hearing test. They were shocked at how quickly he did his eye test. The nurse said that it is the fastest she's ever seen a four year old do it before. His eye sight is 20/25.

He had 1 shot (polio) and the flu mist. He did awesome! I think he disliked the flu mist the most. He didn't even flinch or cry when he got his shot. We were so proud! He did really good through his whole doctor appointment.

We've always thought Andrew was pretty tall for his age. People are always commenting on how tall he is. We thought maybe he'd get lucky and he'd be tall when he grows up. So when the doctor told us that he was in the 75% we thought he had a good shot at maybe reaching 6 feet. So I asked the doctor and she said that if he continues to stay at the same growth pattern he will be some where between 5'8'' or 5'10'' such luck I guess!

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