Monday, September 17, 2012

Andrew's 5!

An interview with Andrew
1. What's your favorite color? green
2. What's your favorite toy? Batman
3. What's your favorite show? Max & Ruby (I'm surprised by this answer since he usually wants to watch Doc McStuffins
4. What's your favorite holiday? Christmas
5. Who's your best friend? Carter, Hudson, Cole & Landon (he couldn't narrow it down to one)
6. What's your favorite song? the Batman song
7. What's your favorite book? Batman
8. What's your favorite animal? lions
9. What's your favorite food? chicken nuggets and spaghetti
10. What's your favorite snack? fishy crackers
11. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? strawberry & chocolate
12. What's your favorite restaurant? Red Robin
13. What's your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? toaster sticks
14. What's your favorite game? I don't have one
15. What do you want to be when you grow up? a Daddy
16. What is your favorite thing about Mommy? she cuddles and snuggles me, she's sweet, plays games     with me and I like eating popsicles with her.
17. What's your favorite thing about Daddy? I like playing with him and playing Batman video games with him
18. What's your favorite thing about Ava? I like that she plays hide & seek with me

Andrew is a handful at this age, but also tons of fun.  He is a constant talker, mainly talking about Batman or ninjas.  He loves to ask a lot of questions and usually thinks he knows all of the answers and always thinks he's right.  He loves to do knock knock jokes or tell jokes and ask if they are funny.  He loves rock & roll music and definitely has an opinion on what we should listen to in the car.  He LOVES Batman (as you can see from the interview above).  He also really LOVES Daddy and wants to spend all of his time with him.  He likes to play basketball and golf.  He would watch t.v. or video games all day if I'd let him.  He doesn't like doing anything on his own...he always wants someone to play with or watch him.  He loves playing games.  He is super smart and is already doing some addition. He loves to look at books.  He doesn't like change.  He is super cuddly and lovey and loves to give me compliments.  He has a very kind and thoughtful heart.  He has a fear of the dark and night time and has a really hard time sleeping.  He wakes up throughout the whole night and comes into our bed.  He loves the monkey bars, playing with squirt guns, and running through the sprinkler with his clothes on.  He loves Target and always wants to go there and look at toys.  He asks for a new toy almost everyday.  He is so much fun and we love him so very much!
This is the face that he made when I told him that we were going to Chuck E Cheese for dinner on his birthday.
September 6, 2012

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