Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ava at 4 months

Ava is now 4 months old! She is the sweetest little thing and absolutely loves any and all attention that she gets, which can be little at times with brother around. She lights up and smiles when you look at her, talk to her or just smile at her. She loves watching Andrew play. She will sit in her bumbo or on my lap and just watch him while he plays with all of her cars. As soon as she hears his voice she smiles. She has become quite the little mover and kicker. She can kick herself out of her bouncy seat and when I get her from her crib in the morning she is at the bottom of the crib instead of the top where I placed her at bedtime. She loves her bumbo chair and will kick like crazy and move her arms when she's in it and laugh. She puts any and everything in her mouth. All toys, hands, blankets, anything goes in her mouth. She loves chewing on her pacifier too. We think she's teething. She's still a great sleeper and eater. I've changed her schedule to eat every 3 to 3.5 hours so she takes about 3 shorter naps a day and a lot of times I end up waking her up to eat. I still end up waking her up at 8am to eat, she'll take a little 1 hr nap in the morning, eat again at 11 takes a long nap from 12/12:30-2ish and then eats and another nap at 4ish till 5:30ish and then eats again. She ends up taking a small nap between 8 & 9, eats and then is down for the night. She really is the sweetest little thing but does have a little temper when she is unhappy. She had her 4 month doctor check up on Tuesday and got 2 shots, 1 oral and screamed like crazy. Even the nurse noticed her little temper! She's still a gassy little girl, but seems to be doing better with it on a daily basis. She is also starting to reach for her toys all the time. Her 4 month stats are:
Weight: 13lb 6oz (35%)
Height: 25inches (70%)
Head: 41.2cm (50%)
9.14.2010- 4 months old
9.16.2010- first time in her Bumbo


Janet said...

She is a smiley little thing...can't believe she's 4 months already!

Andrea said...

Have I already said she is the cutest baby ever? I can't remember?