Monday, October 17, 2011

Pumpkin Patch-take 2

I attempted to take the kids to the pumpkin patch again today. Nate was able to meet us there for a bit which was helpful, but let's just say it wasn't the best morning. We got a late start because Andrew was naughty all morning long. Tons of time outs...ugh, I'm tired just thinking about it! We got to the pumpkin patch around 11 and didn't stay long. Ava was grumpy the whole time we were there. Miss independent had a mind of her own and wanted to run all over the place. Running on not flat ground caused her to fall every 2 seconds. She was frustrated, I was was a bad combination. I tried to get a few pics, but it didn't go well. Maybe we will get another nice day and get to go again, but who knows. If not, at least we got some pumpkins.

Andrew loved seeing the chicks.
Mom-please stop trying to take pictures of me!

Can't you just see her independent sassiness in this picture?!

10.17.2011-Andrwe 4, Ava 17 months

1 comment:

daphne said...

oh no! doesn't sound much different than our trip to the patch. she does look very sassy, but very cute too :)