Sunday, January 31, 2010

Big Boy Cup

Andrew is getting so big! He now wants to drink out a big boy cup all the time. He tries to get water from the fridge with his cup just like he sees Mommy and Daddy doing. If he has a choice between a sippy and a cup, he always chooses the cup. He usually drinks out of it at every meal and we only uses the sippy cups when we go out. He is doing great with it too....very little spills! He also wants to sit at the table with us, not in his highchair. I usually let him sit with me at the table for breakfast and sometimes lunch, but at dinner he has to sit in his highchair because we only have a 2 person table! That will soon be changing since we just bought a 4 person pub table :) I can't believe how big my little boy is getting!

1.29.10- 2 years old

1 comment:

daphne said...

such a big boy!!!!