Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines cards and cookies

Friday we spent the day doing Valentines crafts and baking. Andrew doesn't sit still for long so it makes doing crafts a little challenging but I wanted him to make a Valentines card for Daddy so we spent the morning ( took a long part of the morning) and colored and put stickers on a heart shaped card. We started out working on this right after breakfast but he quickly got distracted so we waited a few hours and tried again. He did have fun putting all of the stickers on.

This picture cracks me up. You could tell that he was not thrilled that I was taking another picture of him!

After crafts we decided to make Valentines cookies, Daddy's favorite! Last time I tried to frost sugar cookies with Andrew was at Christmas time. He didn't do much frosting, he just ate the cookies with out the frosting. I wasn't sure how baking would go, but I thought we'd give it a try. He really wanted to help me do all the measuring and we ended up making a complete mess during the process. As soon as I would get a cup of flour measured, he would want to pour it out. I think he thought it was a game. Once we got to the mixing it was a lot easier. At one point while mixing he spilled a large amount on the table. He said "oh no mommy, I sorry!" It was so cute, he felt so bad. He really hates messes!
During nap time I baked and frosted the cookies. After nap I gave him one, he took it right away put it in his mouth and gave it back to me. He told me he didn't like it! Too funny. I think he doesn't like frosting....oh well, more for Mommy & Daddy!
That night when Daddy got home from work Andrew gave him the card he made. He was so excited to show Daddy what he made for him. Of course Daddy loved it and can't wait to hang it up in his office! (Aren't the flowers in the background beautiful?! Nathan brought them home for me for Valentines....he is so sweet!)
Andrew- 29 months

1 comment:

Andrea said...

such a little cute.