Thursday, July 22, 2010

Andrew update

Only a month and a half until Andrew turns 3. I can't believe he is going to be 3 already. He starts school in September and he is very excited. He is a sweet little boy and LOVES his baby sister. He always wants to know where she is and if she is crying he tells me or tries to talk to her and give her her pacifier. He is constantly giving her kisses and wanting to hold her or sing to her. He is constantly taking her pacifier out (which completely annoys her) and says, "you wanna talk? oh, you wanna talk." It's just the cutest thing. He still loves his pacifier but is only allowed to have it in bed and in the car. We are hoping to get rid of it at age 3. We'll see how that goes. He seems to remember everything we say these days and will repeat things we've said days after we've said them. He now knows everyones names (mine & Nate's included) and now calls his pama's and papa's Twyla Pama, Janet Pama, Buddy Papa (which is cute because his name is Bud) and Dabid (David) Papa.
Funny things he says: moder (t.v. remote), winnie & burn (Phineas & Ferb, a cartoon on Disney, his new obsession), it's a conspiracy man (from the Cars movie), he loves to sing Life is a Dream from Cars while he plays with his cars. When I get him after his nap or in the morning he always tells me that he lubs (loves) me and missed me. "I lub you mommy, I missed you so much!" When I put him to bed at night or at nap time he usually doesn't want me to leave him. He says, "mommy I need you, I lub you so much!" He gives me lots of hugs and kisses and keeps telling me that he needs me. It just melts my heart and it makes it really hard for me to leave him.
Andrew loves to play soccer in the back yard. He always asks us to play. We line up 2 balls and he says, "on your market, get set, go!" Then we kick the balls to the other side of the yard. He always says, "I'm the winner!" Too cute!
I know there are a million other new things that he does and says, but they are not coming to mind right now. I will add them as I think of them :)

1 comment:

daphne said...

love all his little sayings! he will love to read about them someday. can't believe he is starting school. ari will be starting soon too :)