Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Play Dates, Bike Rides, Parks, & Sprinklers

We are having such a fun summer and enjoying the beautiful weather. Andrew loves playing outside even when it's not sunny, but especially loves when it's sunny. He says, "the sun came out!" Last week we had lots of fun playing in the sprinkler, going to what Andrew calls the "big park" and taking bike rides around our neighborhood.
7.15.10 Andrew at the "big park" playing in the water!
He got so dirty from the sand box at the park that he came home, stripped down and ran through the sprinkler. He LOVED it.

On Friday our friends came over for a play date. Hudson is one of Andrew's best friends and they have so much fun together. His mom, Christi, just had a baby girl a few weeks after Ava. So while the boys played in the pool, ran through the sprinkler and played with cars, Christi and I cuddled with our baby girls and chit chatted.
7.16.10 The boys with their sisters.
7.17.10- On Saturday we went to our town parade. Sherwood has a cute little downtown area that Nate and I call Starshollow (Gilmore Girl reference). We think it's so fun that our little town has so many fun small town activities throughout the year. It was our first time experiencing the Robin Hood Festival. The boys watched the parade and Andrew loved all of the cars and the fire trucks in the parade. After the parade we walked around but it was so crowded that we didn't stay long. For all of you that know my husband, you know that crowds are his nightmare! He just couldn't stand the crowds any longer, so we went home so Andrew could take a nap before heading out on the river for the night.

This week our evenings have been spent taking Andrew to the park by our house on his bike. He loves it and always finds friends at the park. He's so social! I love our evenings spent just the 4 of us walking to the park and enjoying our neighborhood.

7.19.2010 Andrew 2 years 10 months old

1 comment:

Janet said...

So funny of Drew playing in the water! I can almost hear him laughing!