Sunday, August 29, 2010

Almost 3

Andrew turns 3 one week from tomorrow. Hard to believe! I think he grew up in all of 2 days this weekend. I turned to Nate tonight and told him that it seemed like Andrew really changed this weekend...he's so grown up now. Nate worked on a lot of projects in the yard this weekend and Andrew was quite the helper. He followed daddy everywhere and even wanted to go with him to Home Depot. Normally Andrew just wants to play with his toys and isn't really interested in going to the store. Tonight I was upstairs rocking Ava in her room because she was a little fussy. Andrew came upstairs after awhile and said that he wanted to read her a book. He sat in the chair with us and looked at books for awhile and then told Ava that "this is the last one, okay Ava." I think he learned this from us, since we say this often to him before bedtime. Ava started crying so he said, "okay Ava, 1 more book, and that's it." Haha, he cracks me up! He opened his Elmo book and said, "once pon time, cookie monster and ernie..." and then mumbled some other things. Each time he turned the page he would say, "once pon time" and then talk about what was on the page. It was seriously the cutest thing. In other news, Andrew actually stood up like a big boy while going to the bathroom tonight! (Too much information, I know, but this just shows that my little boy is growing up so fast!)


Janet said...

Such a good big brother reading to his sister...cute!

daphne said...

yea for big boy drew!! can't believe he is going to be three!!