Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My babies

The kids are at a really fun stage right now. They are also requiring a lot of supervision as Andrew is always getting in Ava's face, taking toys away from her and not sharing. Ava is really starting to interact a lot and play with her toys. It so fun watching her figure things out and explore new things.

Right now my favorite thing that Andrew says is, "are you kiddin' me" or "are you kiddin'." Seriously, what kid says this. He is too funny!

Ava loves blankets more than any baby I've ever known. As soon as you put a blanket over her in her crib she grabs it, put it by her face, and kicks her legs like crazy and smiles. She absolutely loves blankets. She doesn't have a favorite blanket, any blanket makes her happy. She also loves to have her pacifier in her mouth upside down. She will purposefully put it in her mouth that way.

Andrew is always wanting to hold her. Ava will only put up with it for so long until she starts crying. It is impossible to get a picture of them both smiling and looking at the camera.

Jan.29 & 30, 2011

1 comment:

The tug is my drug said...

What kind of drugs was Andrew taking prior to that last picture? Dude is high as a kite.