Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Saturday was pretty low key for us. We went to my favorite bakery in the morning, Saint Honore where a lady talked our ear off. We don't go there often because it's a bit of a drive, but it has the best cappuccinos and almond chocolate croissants. It's like a little taste of France. Unfortunately we sat next to a lonely lady who wanted to talk to us the whole time. We were nice and hopefully showed Christ's love, but we were looking forward to enjoying our time just the 4 of us. Anyways, we got home, put Ava down for a nap and enjoyed some time with Andrew, just the 3 of us. This normally doesn't happen. We are usually trying to accomplish some sort of task and both of us don't sit and play with him at the same time. We played with his Handy Manny house and he was beyond thrilled. He kept saying Daddy this & Daddy that. It was one of the highlights of my weekend (other highlight to come in another blog post).
Nate then took Andrew to the park where I was told that he went down the slide, played on the swings and spent a lot of time chasing each other. This is by far Andrew's favorite thing to do-chase. He asks me to play chase with him at least once a day. Andrew rode his bike all the way down & back and Daddy said he did a great job.
He didn't want to wear his new helmet or ride his new "big" bike. He wanted to wear his Lightening McQueen helmet and ride his trike.

He really wanted to take a picture of him. Just when i was getting ready to go inside he said, "mom, take picture."

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