Monday, February 20, 2012

Valentines Day

Valentines day this year was lots of fun. Nathan and I celebrated it on Friday night at Jory. It was probably one of the best meals I have ever had!
On Valentines day I took Ava to Gymboree class and then headed to Andrew's school party. (Thanks mom & dad for taking over at Gymboree since I had to leave early.) When I got to Andrew's school all the kids were playing. It was fun to watch him with his buddies (as he calls them) without him noticing that I was watching him. His 3 friends at school (Landon, Cole & Brady) all played together really nicely. I know they play together often since they are the only people Andrew ever talks about at school. Anyway, as soon as he saw me he said, "thanks for the mandarin oranges for snack!" It was so cute. He loves mandarin oranges right now.
The party was lots of fun and the kids loved their cupcakes and their cute little craft. I think the highlight was opening up their valentines from all of their classmates. Andrew was so excited about each valentine he got.

After the party, we met Daddy for a Valentines lunch at Panera. (Thank you Daddy for rescheduling your work lunch so you could have lunch with us.) Andrew was really excited to show Daddy all of his Valentines.
While waiting for Daddy to come home from work, the kids cuddled up with Sophie.....

and we tried to do a little photo shoot.

I even tried to use the self timer to take some pictures of the kids & me. They didn't turn out great.
That evening we had a little picnic in the family room with a heart shaped pizza. The kids really enjoyed having a picnic.
The kids loved their gifts!

And Daddy loved the gift we made him.
Ava really loved putting the bags over her head...she thought it was the funniest thing!

It was a fun Valentines with the family.

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