Friday, June 15, 2012


Last Saturday my sister and I took a photography class that we bought on Groupon.  We both love taking pics of our kids and want to learn how to use our cameras better.  The class was only a few hours and we got some good info, but I think I'm still a bit overwhelmed with it.  I think it comes down to just practice.  I've been trying to shoot in manual lately.  That day when I got home from the class, I practiced taking pictures of the kids- lot harder than the stationary objects we practiced on at the class!  I told Nate about what I learned and I think he has a better eye for it than me. Anyway, the pictures you see on the blog from here on out are mainly in manual...practice makes perfect, right?!

 These have terrible lighting, but I had to add them because of her facial expression.  She really didn't want me taking anymore pictures!

1 comment:

Patti said...

I've been tempted to take one of those photo classes but I fear the info would go over my head. Brett totally knows how to use our camera great and has explained how it works to me several times but I never seem to retain it. I think you're right though, it just takes practice. But it's hard to shoot on manual with moving subjects, you're braver then I! :)