Thursday, March 25, 2010

Too Cute!

I just had to write about the funny things Andrew said today....he is just too cute! Tonight after dinner Andrew wanted to call Pama & Papa, so we let him call and he was excited to talk to them on the phone. My mom invited us over for brownies and asked Andrew if he wanted to come over for brownies and he said "no thank you." She then asked him again and he said, "no, I'm good." Too funny! (We stayed at home and played and I made cookies instead) Later tonight when we were putting him to bed, he wasn't quite ready to get in bed so I told him that I would rock him for a minute. Nate wanted to take the trash out of his room, so he prayed with him (something we do as a family before Andrew goes to bed every night) and he left the room. Andrew and I sat in his rocking chair and sang a few songs. On a side note, this is something I will miss as the rocking chair will soon be moved to Ava's room. Anyways, I told him it was time for bed. I tucked him in and he said "no mommy, play." I told him that we couldn't play right now but we would in the morning. He kept insisting that we "play" and I kept saying it was bed time until I finally realized what he was saying, "pray." He wanted me to pray for him even though Daddy had already prayed for sweet! I also have to add that he LOVED dinner tonight which isn't always the case and he even ate his asparagus. He kept asking for more of it! Hopefully this continues. Such a fun day with my little guy. I ♥ him.

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