Wednesday, July 21, 2010

2 months

Last Wednesday Ava turned 2 months old. These last two months have been crazy busy adjusting to life with 2, but I wouldn't change it for the world. Ava is the cutest little thing. She loves mommy and is a total mommy's girl. When she cries, she only wants me. She loves to be held all the time and cuddled. She loves watching Andrew and is very entertained by him. He loves to sing to her and talk to her and she just smiles and coo's back at him. It's adorable. She loves her glow worm and especially loves when it plays the song Cannon in D. It's really funny how she reacts to that song. She knows our voices and turns her head when she hears us talk to her. She started sleeping through the night at 7.5 weeks and slept through the night for about a week. She would sometimes wake up because she had gas, but usually she slept pretty good at night (11ish till about 6 or 7am). She still does pretty well but occasionally wakes up to eat in the night. She had her 2 month doctor appointment yesterday and got 2 shots (Hib & Dtap) and the oral Rotavirus. She was quite the drama queen and cried a ton. I felt so bad for her. She has been pretty needy today and wanted me to hold her most of the day. Poor thing.
Her 2 month stats:
Weight: 10lb 9oz (35%)
Height: 22 3/4 (60%)
Head: 38.6cm (35%)

We had her 2 month pictures last week....they turned out amazing!
Here's a few other pictures I took of Ava this week. I just love all of her expressions!
7.19.10 - 9 weeks & 3 days old

1 comment:

Janet said...

I NEED these pics!!