Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sitting up!

Ava can now sit up on her own! On Saturday night (10.23) we were at a friends house for dinner and I sat her on the floor for a bit to play. She sat all by herself for a long time before she lost her balance. I've been working on sitting with her for awhile but she would do it for a second and then lose her balance, but she did it on Saturday for a long time. I was so proud of her and she was smiling from ear to ear! I didn't have my camera to capture the moment but I took some of her the following day. She has the boppy behind her incase she fell back, but she is sitting up all by herself :) Don't worry that she is not wearing any clothes...the poor thing spits up and drools so much that she has a rash so I took her clothes off to try and help her rash.


1 comment:

Patti said...

Ems used to get a rash like that really bad when she was little. I found that vasoline worked as a moisture barrier. Hope it gets better soon and yay for sitting up! :)