Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Birthday x2

My in-laws birthday's are only a few days apart from each other, so we usually end up having a joint family birthday party for them. This year we spent the day at their house hanging out and enjoying the sunshine. Andrew rode his tractor and jeep and had a blast going to the store with Papa & Pama to pick out lots of new toys. Nate and I, along with my sis & bro in-law made dinner for Bud & Twyla. It was such a fun day and I'm so blessed to have married into such a wonderful family. I think the highlight for Andrew was playing Buddy Papa's new Nascar video game. It was pretty hard, but he loved it :)
Ava sitting in her princess chair. This only lasted for a few seconds before she wanted to get down and crawl everywhere!

She was really cranky so Twyla laid her in Andrew's bed and she loved it. I think she was really tired, even after her nap.
Helping them blow out their candles.


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