Thursday, July 7, 2011

Retirement Party

While we were camping my dad had his official last day of work at Millstone. He worked there for 24 years...amazing! Millstone has been so many things for our family: it brought us to Portland (thank you Dad!), gave us the opportunity to go on some fun vacations (Hawaii, the beach...), was my first job, and became a 2nd family for our family. My dad started at the beginning stages of the company and grew it by leaps and bounds. I'm so proud of him. He was a great boss, mentor, and leader.
He didn't really want a big retirement party, so we decided to throw him a little party on our camping trip on his official last day, Thursday. Kayla brought all the decorations and a few batches of cupcakes and I spent half of the evening trying to make cupcakes in my trailer which was quite an experience. After dinner we did everything to try and get rid of my dad so we could decorate. Thanks to my hubby for distracting him for awhile, we were able to get everything set up for the party. I loved the reaction on my dad's face when he came back to camp. It was a fun night of cupcakes, coffee, friends, and celebrating my dad. I love you Dad and am so proud of you!

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