Thursday, November 15, 2012

Leyton's 1!

My sweet little niece, Leyton, turned 1 last Saturday.  I can't believe she's already one!  We drove down for her party on Saturday morning and spent the day at her party and with my family.
 My sister did a great job decorating for the party.
 Leyton opening all of her presents.  All of the big kids were trying to help.
 Daddy and Ava.  She was a little shy around all of the people.
 Leyton and her cousins, minus a few.
 Right before she had her first bite of cake...and she loved it!
 After the party the girls took and nap and then we headed over to my grandparents house to say hi.
 All of the kids had fun playing together.
 Playing with the doll house that my sister and I used to play with and even my mom used to play with!
 Saying goodbye to Papa & Pama Great.

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