Sunday, February 17, 2013

Valentines Day

We had a fun and busy Valentines Day.  We started our morning with hot chocolate and lemon bread at our favorite coffee shop, Symposium.  
 Then we came back and made these cute Valentines for Daddy. The kids were so excited and spent about an hour working on them.
 We then headed to swimming lessons for Andrew and met up with Daddy & Papa & Pama for lunch.  The kids got teddy bears from their grandparents and were so excited.
 That afternoon Andrew and I made cupcakes, per his request, and cookies, Daddy's favorite.  That night we had a picnic and ate a heart shaped pizza.  We then spent the rest of the evening playing games.  It was such a fun night and the kids really loved it.
 I made this sign for Nate's office.  He was pretty excited about it.
 The kids gifts to Daddy.  They were so excited to give them to him.
 I tried to take a few pics of the kids before Daddy got home.
 They were being very silly!
 The kids were so excited to open their gifts.  A ninja turtle helicopter, some Ariel legos and a few books.

Friday night Nate and I went downtown for dinner to celebrate and had a wonderful evening.

1 comment:

daphne said...

cute pics ming!! your kiddos are so adorable. and good job on nate's sign!!