Monday, November 16, 2009

Andrew's little book of haha's!

(the title of this post is for my mom, dad & sister)

I think Andrew starts saying at least 1 new word a day and sometimes a new phrase. Lately Nathan & I are amazed at how much he talks (and sings). He starts talking as soon as he wakes up and doesn't really stop until he goes to bed. Even when he's playing with his cars, he's making noises, of course :) Here are a couple of the new funny things that he's been saying:

*Oh my gosh...or oh gosh (yes, I know this is not good and I know that it's my fault!)
*Oh boy! - I think he learned this from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
*Soey, big bed & Woohoo! There's a story with this one: today after his bath he wanted Sophie to get in bed with him and cuddle. So we called for Sophie, but she was nowhere to be found. So I whistled and told Sophie to come. Andrew then said, "woohoo, come Soey!" His woohoo must have been him trying to whistle.
*Love you Mommy, love you or thank you daddy, thank you- always says love you or thank you followed by the person he is saying it to and then repeats the love you or thank you....happens every time!
*You ready Mommy, let's go!
*I tired
*I ready (as he's walking to the door to leave)
*Thank you Anoo or I Anoo (always using his name)
*Mommy sing
*Sit down (when he wants you to play with him he points and tells you where he wants you to sit)
*I like it!
*Let's go, Mommy!
*I did it!
*I running
*The other day I called upstairs for him, he was in his play room playing with his trains. I said "Andrew, " and he yelled back, "what?" For a second I thought I was talking to a 5 year old....I'm not sure where he got that!
*I thirsty or I hungry
*What you doing?
*Watch this (then usually he jumps)
*What'd they say (he usually asks this when I get off the phone)
*It's mine! (we are working on this one...)
*What you doing?
*Look (he now says this all the time, whenever he's playing or looking at books, or really whenever!)
*Plane, I hear it, you hear it? (He does this with trains too)
I'm sure there are many more funny little things he says, but this is all I could think of at the moment. As they come to me, I will make sure and post them or if you (family) can think of any please leave a comment :)

I do have to point out that Andrew is singing all the time now. By far his favorite song is "Twinkle Twinkle." He wakes up singing it in the morning before we even get him out of bed and today when we were at the grocery store he was singing it very loudly!


Andrea said...

Got your text...I lost my copy years sad :( I miss it and you.

The tug is my drug said...

My favorite andrew saying is when Andrew says "Careful, there is a baby on board."