Thursday, May 6, 2010

38 weeks

I had my last doctor appointment today. I am still at 3cm dilated, positioning is now at -1 (it was at -3 last week) and I am not effaced which is something the doctor is not worried about. He said that a lot of times with your second pregnancy you don't become effaced until you are 6 or 7 cm dilated. He said my cervix looks great and everything should go smoothly for my induction that is scheduled for next Friday morning at 7am (the 14th). Please make sure and say a prayer for me that day. I seem to be more nervous this time around than I was with Andrew. My doctor said it's because I know what to expect out of delivery. I am very excited to meet Ava, hold her, kiss her, see what she looks like, and become a family of 4, but I am very nervous about the actual delivery and recovery. Andrew's delivery was rough...pushing for almost 3 hours and recovery was even harder. My doctor thinks this time will be better, so I am praying that it is. Can't believe that in 8 days we will be a family of 4!


daphne said...

yea for progress!! your labor should be shorter than it was with drew...mine was half the time and only 5-8 min of pushing..compared to 2 1/2 to excited!!!

Patti said...

We will be praying for you friend!!! I have heard that the second time around is much easier too. :) You looked great on Sunday, love how you rock the heels even while pregnant!! :)