Sunday, May 23, 2010

Thank you Father, Amen!

This is Andrew's little prayer that he says every day before his meals. They taught him a little song that goes along with it in his class at church.
Today was our 1st day bringing Ava to church. She was so good. She loved all the music and was awake the whole time making the cutest little faces. Nate and I couldn't keep our eyes off her! I missed out on most of church because I had to feed her, but it was fun to take her to church and show her to all of our friends and church family. Andrew was so excited to be at church. As soon as he woke up he asked Daddy if he could go to church. He loves playing with all of his friends. He had so much fun in his class, but clung to me as soon as he got out of class. With so many people coming to see Ava, I think he was a little shy, so he wrapped his arms around my leg and wouldn't leave my side. After dinner we went to Oswego Grill for lunch. We hadn't been there since the night my water broke. Everyone there knows us, so it was fun to introduce them to Ava!

5.23.2010- Ava 9 days olds, Andrew 2.8 years old

1 comment:

daphne said...

such a gorgeous gorgeous family!! i love all the new pictures. you all look so happy!!