Wednesday, May 4, 2011

At the park

It's another beautiful day here! We took advantage of the sunshine and warm temperatures and went to the park again today. This time we went to the bigger park which is a bit further, but still walking distance. My mom came with us which was a big help. It's interesting having 2 kids at the park. Andrew wants to run everywhere and I'm trying to take care of Ava too. Andrew found a new friend named Gracie who he played with the whole time. He told me that she was his best friend. It was pretty cute. Ava decided that she liked the swings and the slide. Such a fun little afternoon with my kids.

Now Andrew is taking a quick nap at my mom's while Nate gets the boat ready and then it's the first boating day of the year! Us girls are staying at home while the guys have some bonding time on the river. Andrew's been asking to go on the boat for a long time, so he is very excited! It's going to be a nice quiet afternoon home with just one kid :)

1 comment:

daphne said...

cute pics ming :)