Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ava update- 2 years

I finally got Ava in for her 2 year check up!  Yea, I know, 4 months late!

We started out the morning with a little coffee date at our local coffee shop, then headed to ballet before going to the doctor.

Having a little snack while waiting for the doctor.
She was a bit shy when the doctor came in but she did really good.
Her stats:
weight- 28 lbs (50%)
height- 34 3/4 in (45%)
head- 47 3/4 cm (44%)
The doctor seemed very please that Ava's weight had gone up so much since the last time she was in.  She had two shots (flu, & Hep B) and cried a ton after the shots...poor thing.  Some hugs from mommy, some stickers and knowing that she got to go see Andrew seemed to help.  She is growing up so fast and has definitely started in on the terrible twos, but we still adore her!

We have also started back up at Gymboree after taking the summer off and she absolutely loves it.  When I told her that we were going she started jumping up and down saying, "I so excited, I so excited!"  
She gets to play with her friend Charleigh at Gymboree too!

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