Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ava's Nursery

The nursery is finally complete. I still have a little moving around of things on the shelf and of course pictures to add into the frames when Ava arrives. I LOVE it! Thank you to the best husband for hanging all of the artwork and painting the room. Thank you Dad for helping Nathan with the painting and closet. So excited to meet Ava in less than 2 weeks! I also got her bassinet the other day and will take some pictures and post them. I picked out the fabric and then had a family friend make the looks adorable and so girly!
My sister made these....aren't they amazing! She is so talented!
Sorry for the weird shadows, I took these pictures at night without good lighting.


daphne said...

sooooo CUTE!!! it turned out great! you guys did an amazing job. i love the colors...looks so cozy. i love the chandlier..we put one in ella's nursery when she was born and it has migrated with us...

i am so excited for you ming. looks like everything is ready for her arrival!!!

daphne said...

just noticed the shelf...that is adorable! little miss ava is a lucky little girl to already have such a beautiful room!!

Kristi said...

Thanks Daph....I think it's even cuter in person :) The pictures don't do it justice.

Patti said...

Wow, what a well put together nursery!!!! Just in time for Ava's upcoming arrival too....she is going to be such a loved and lucky little girl! :)

Andrea said...

SO SO SO CUTE! I love that last does look cozy and good job Nate on the prego pics!! :)

Janet said...

The room is adorable. Krist, your talents show through. It has all come together very nicely.