Sunday, May 2, 2010

Photo shoot

Nate took some pregnancy pics of me today with Andrew. 37.5 weeks. Only 1.5 weeks left...or less!

I know this is kind of blurry of Andrew, but I love that he is laughing and touching my belly.


daphne said...

oh my goodness! you are ADORABLE. i love that you and nate did a photo shoot. the pics are precious!! love the one of drew laughing, so cute. those first two are pretty that belly!

Patti said...

So cute Kristi!!! Won't be long before you're holding her in your arms and not your belly....goes by too fast in my opinion but that's easy for me to say, I'm not the pregnant one!! :)

Janet said...

Soooo excited!!! It's getting closer. Can't wait to meet her!