Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ava's 9 month check up

Ava had her 9 month doctor a few days before she turned 10 months. At 9 months she went to the doctor because she was sick and weighed 15.8 pounds (10th percentile). At her appointment last Friday she gained a whole pound and now weighs 16.8 pounds, but now she's only in the 7th percentile. She is definitely a tiny little girl, but the doctor doesn't seem to be worried. When I told her what she had for breakfast that day (a banana, 1/4 pear & cheerios) she was shocked! She eats a ton for how little she is. Her height is 27.5 inches (30%) and her head is 44cm (40%). Her doctor says that she is doing great and lucky for Ava she only had to have 1 shot (hep B).

1 comment:

daphne said...

such a good eater :) sorry that she is fun. how are you guys? we are looking forward to having daddy home this weekend. its been a long week. miss u :)