Monday, July 2, 2012


We took our annual family camping trip to Lake Billy Chinook last week.  This was the first year we didn't have nice weather, but we still managed to have a lot of fun and lots of new experiences!  We decided to tent camp this year, the first time we've tent camped since Andrew was 8 months old (and it wasn't a good experience).  The kids did suprisingly well.  We brought the pack and play for Ava and they both slept on one side of the tent while Nate and I slept on the other side.  They loved sleeping in the same room together and stayed up extra late laughing and having fun. 
Our first morning at breakfast.
 We brought a separate tent for the kids to put all of their toys in and play in.  They loved it!
 They also had tons of fun running around playing chase, Ava riding on her car and Andrew riding his scooter.
 We played lots of games of Candyland and Andrew played with a few older boys from our church that were there too.
 Cuddle time with Ava.
 We bought Andrew his own wakeboard early this year so we decided to get it out and see what he thought of it.
 Unfortunately it wasn't warm enough for him to try it in the water, but hopefully soon!
Me & my babies!

 Our first night of making s'mores...the kids loved them!!!  Andrew did not like the fire last year.  He cried every time we'd put paper plates in it.  We found out this year that it was because he was worried that we wouldn't have anything to eat on.  This year, Ava was scared of the fire.  She loved the s'mores though!

 Andrew was pretty excited about the s'mores!

 Day 2 was a little cold in the morning but we decided to try and head out on the water for a little picnic lunch on the boat.  We bundled up, enjoyed our lunch and cruised around a bit.
 We saw this beautiful waterfall and both of the kids fell asleep on the boat.  A first for Ava since she usually will only nap in her crib.

The next day we woke up to really cold temperatures.  We didn't really want to stay around the campground all day in the rain so we decided to head into town for a bit.  We found a cute little pizza place....
 and even got a Starbucks!!!
When we got back to the campground the sun came out for a bit so the boys headed over to play some basketball.  Definitely Andrew's favorite sport right now.
 Another night of roasting marshmallows!


The next day we woke up to beautiful weather.  It was our last day so we quickly packed up and headed out the the lake till early afternoon.  
Doing a little coloring with the kids.
 She was so excited to go out on the boat!

The guys finally got to do some wake boarding.... 

 and Nate even skied!
 (photo taken by Andrew!)

Ava quickly fell asleep on the way home.  It was such a fun trip despite the rain. Hopefully next years weather will be much nicer! 
6.23-27 - Andrew 4 1/2 years, Ava 2 years


Andrea said...

Those smore pictures of Andrew are the cutest. :) Yea for summer.

daphne said...

so fun ming! looks like you had a great time. and good job drew on the picture taking!!