Sunday, July 29, 2012

Young Champions

We had such a busy week- VBS in the morning and a track and field camp in the evening.  Andrew was exhausted but had a blast!
The track and field camp was put on by our church at a local school.  It was preschool through elementary.  The preschoolers were so cute!
 On night one we got there pretty early for registration.
 Andrew had a blast playing with all of the kids while he waited for the events to start.

 Ava loved watching it all and was quite the cheerleader.
The hurdles were so cute.
Such good running form :)
 He loved racing with the big wheels.

Night 3 (we skipped night 2 cause Daddy had to work late)
Buddy Papa & Twyla Pama came and watched.
 More hurdles
 Ava enjoying a snack while she watched Andrew.

Night 4

 Ava with her friend Sophia from cute!
 On the last night they did a track meet.  The preschoolers were up first and Andrew did a was adorable.  He loved it and told me later that he could have gone faster.  I asked him if he was nervous or excited before the race and he said that he was nervous.
 After the relay he got a medal.  
 After all of the preschoolers did their relays they did a mini "Opening Ceremonies" where they all walked the track, they did the lighting of the torch and played the National Anthem.  As soon as the music started, Andrew tapped Jenna (one of the coaches) on the shoulder and said, "I don't sing."  Totally cracks me up because that is so Andrew.  His least favorite part of church is the singing time.
 So proud of my little boy.
 We finished off the night with some snow cones (which the kids didn't like) and playing in the bouncy house.
Such a fun week at track camp!
7.23-7.26.2012 Andrew 4 1/2 years old

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