Monday, August 20, 2012

Ava update

Ava is growing up so fast and changing so much lately.  She is talking non stop and trying to say every word.  She will string together several words to make a sentence.  She also sings constantly.  Her favorite songs are "Twinkle, Twinkle" which she calls Kwinkle Kwinkle, "Itsy Bitsy Spider" which she calls Ipsy, and "ABC's." She doesn't like to eat meals very much and is constantly asking for a snack which she always says in a very whinny voice with her nose all scrunched's pretty cute!  She loves accessories (see pics below) and wants to wear multiple hair accessories, bracelets and necklaces all at once.  She even puts her purse around her neck like a necklace.  She's a funny girl.  She wants to do everything by herself and is always saying, "self!"  She is always saying "watch me" or "watch this" and "self."  When you ask her to do something she says "otay"'s the cutest.  I just love her little voice.  And when you say I love you, she says "love me."  She is such a funny little girl and we are really enjoying this stage right now, minus the two year old tantrums :)

8.7. 2012- 2 years & 3 months

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