Monday, December 28, 2009

Zoo Lights

Waiting in line for the train
So excited to finally see the train!
On the train with Mommy & Daddy
Tonight we ventured out to zoo lights. It was absolutely freezing, but we bundled up and braved the cold. We were told that it wasn't as busy after Christmas, but it sure seemed busy! We stood in line to get into the zoo, then went right to the train and stood in line for another 45 minutes to ride the train. Andrew was a trooper. He didn't whine or complain the whole time. We took turns holding him (although Nate did most of the holding since my stomach now gets in the way) and Andrew even walked for a little bit. He was so excited to ride the train. He kept saying "train track" which is what he calls a train :) We finally got on the train and took a 15 minute ride around the zoo. Andrew loved it, but Nate & I didn't think it was very impressive. The lights around the zoo looked cooler than the ones on the train ride. Oh well, it made Andrew happy and he had a smile on his face most of the time. We were so cold that we didn't go walk around the zoo....we headed straight towards the car to get warm and then off to dinner. We made a quick stop at Baja Fresh and then home just in time for bed. Andrew must have been exhausted because he went right to sleep!

I forgot to mention that we got our train tickets for free! Just as we were standing in line to get tickets a family came up to us and said that they weren't going to use there tickets. So our whole night only costs $2.50 for the hot cocoa! We have a membership so we were able to get in free to the zoo :)


daphne said...

hi baileys!! so good to talk to you yesterday ming. i woke up this morning with my voice gone. love the pictures!! sounds like an awesome time. andrew is adorable :)

Patti said...

We weren't impressed with the train either. We waited 45 minutes and Emersyn was NOT happy about it!! Cute pics of Andrew in his beanie. :)

The tug is my drug said...

I especially like close up facial shots of the young tyke.