Sunday, June 13, 2010


Yesterday was another one of Ava's many first....her first visit to the zoo! Yes, I realize that she doesn't know that she's at the zoo, but still, it counts as her 1st time there! It was a beautiful day and not many crowds since everyone was at the Rose Festival Parade. We definitely picked a good morning to go. We were only there for an hour or hour and a half, but we saw all that we wanted to see. They have a new dinosaur exhibit that we thought Andrew would like, but once we got close he got scared. The rest of the morning he stayed in his stroller (for the most part). Nate took him to see the elephants while I fed Ava and he didn't want to see them because he could hear the dinosaurs and got scared. Same thing happened when we went to see the bears. So we checked out the lions, giraffes (one of his favorite), tigers, monkeys, and alligators. Ava was a perfect little angel. She stayed awake for most of the time and didn't make a peep which is pretty unusual for her! Such a fun family day.
Hanging out in the stroller.
Checking out the hippos.

Looking for the giraffe.
Andrew 2.9 years old
Ava 29 days old


daphne said...

cute pics ming...cant believe it has been a month already. where does time go??

The tug is my drug said...

If there is an animal for Andrew to be scared of, it would be the hippo. They are way scarier than bears.

Patti said...

So fun! We love going to the zoo for one to two hours...just the right amount of time for a toddler. So glad you guys got to enjoy the sunshine; it was a beautiful day!