Friday, June 10, 2011

What happens at nap time

Nap time for Andrew doesn't happen much these days. It's usually rest time in his room and I'm lucky if he stays there the whole time without coming downstairs every 10 minutes. Sometimes he falls asleep but if he sleeps too long he's usually up late at night and if he doesn't take a nap, he's usually a pill in the evening. At this point it's kind of a lose lose situation. I'm hoping this phase will be over soon.
Anyway, the other day I heard singing coming from his room. I quickly got my flip and headed up the stairs. He was singing a song that he sings at school a lot. I got a bit of it recorded before he saw me standing there.
Then he sang a couple of songs that he made up about Mommy, Daddy & Ava. It was absolutely adorable!
p.s. Notice how messy his room is? He usually destroys it during "rest" time! He is also wearing part of his pajamas...he requested them for nap time :)

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