Sunday, May 27, 2012

Ava's 2!

May 14th my baby girl turned 2.  This has been the fastest two years of my life and yet it's hard to remember our life without her.  She is a spunky little thing and full of tons of energy.  She is funny, sassy, joyful, has a temper, strong willed, independent, and so full of life.  She loves to dance, play with her babies, look at books, make food in her kitchen, LOVES Ariel and all princesses and always wants to wear jewelry.  She always wants a flower in her hair too.  She is a girly girl!  She loves her brother and wants to do everything that he does and follows him all over the place.  She still calls him "baba" but sometimes tries to say his name and it come out like "anoo."  She loves to be outside and calls it "side" which is what Andrew used to call it. She still loves her pacifier and blankets. She talks more and more each day and is now calling me mommy and Nate daddy.  She loves apple juice and calls it apple-da and will sometimes drink chocolate milk.  She calls Sophie "poofie" and calls her jewelry "ga."  She still doesn't like meat but will eat processed meats: hot dogs, pepperoni, sausage...stuff like that.  She doesn't like veggies but loves fruit.  If you ask her a question she will answer "yeah" or "no" but she never says "yes."  She likes to say no a lot!  He favorite cartoon is Bubble Guppies, probably because it's mermaids and she also likes Curious George.  She loves to dance and is starting to sing which is very adorable.

A few days after her birthday we had her 2 year pictures.  She didn't want to smile her usual smile for the camera but she definitely showed her personality and spunk!  We love you baby girl.  


1 comment:

daphne said...

love how these turned out! so cute.