Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mother's Day

I had a wonderful mother's day.  We started out by going to Starbucks and then church.  Andrew sang at church and it was the cutest thing.  In the past he's been very shy about it, but he was so excited this time and quite the ham!

We were sitting in the front row and when they sang, "Happy Mother's day to you," he pointed right at me.  He was so cute!

After church just the 4 of us had brunch at the Stock Pot which sits on a golf course.  We had a nice lunch and enjoyed our time together as a family.

After lunch Ava went down for a nap and I opened my gifts.  I then sat outside and read my book without any was so nice!

That evening our families came over for a BBQ.  It was such a wonderful day!  I'm so blessed to be the mommy of 2 amazing kiddos and to have my mom and my mother in law as great examples of how to be a mom.  I'm truly blessed!

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