Thursday, November 4, 2010

Birthday Celebrations

My dad's birthday is the day after Halloween. Since it was on a Monday this year, my sister & Cory came up that weekend and we celebrated with a birthday breakfast on Saturday. It was a jam packed day since we had Disney on Ice that afternoon. We still had a great time being with family and celebrating my Dad. Monday, his actual birthday, the 4 of us went to my parents for tacos, Dad's request. Andrew had fun helping Papa open his gifts, blow out the candles and eat cake. Love you Dad (aka David Papa)!
Tiffany's (my sis in law) birthday was the following day, Tuesday. No pictures but we had a fun time celebrating her at Ring Side-just the adults.
Breakfast with the fam! Andrew was giving pretend ice cream to everyone from his ice cream toy. He would say, "do you want b-nana, orange or strawberry?" It was so cute!
Giving Papa kisses for his birthday.
Andrew making pizza with coasters and to watch his imagination.
Helping Papa blow out the candles.
He loved having his own piece of birthday cake.

I love these chubby cheeks!


daphne said...

loving that last pic of miss ava!!

Andrea said...

ditto on Daph's comment. that is a great pic.