Tuesday, November 23, 2010

So Sleepy

That's Andrew these days...so sleepy! I think he is transitioning out of naps but he still really needs them. Every day I put him down for a nap and I'm lucky if he takes one. If he doesn't take one he's a total pill and if he does take one he is in a great mood. Even just an hour nap makes a world of difference in his attitude. So most days he goes without naps and just does quiet time which consists of him coming down the stairs multiple times to ask me if he can cuddle me and watch scary shows (any show that's not a cartoon). He has been so tired at night and twice last weekend he fell asleep in the car while on the way to dinner. Poor guy, I wish he wouldn't fight sleep. This is what we noticed yesterday afternoon while talking to Nate & watching Oprah's favorite things (there's was lots of commotion in the house)....
He fell asleep in the middle of it all. Even when we tried to wake him it took awhile. He was out of it. He is also waking in the middle of the night and coming into our room. Then he is exhausted in the morning and not wanting to wake up. Not sure why we are struggling with this sleep thing, but I'm hoping it gets figured out soon!

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