Thursday, April 29, 2010

37 week update

I had my 37 week doctor appointment today. My doctor said that everything looks great! Ava's heartbeat is strong and I'm already dilated to 3cm! Last week I was at 1cm. Her positioning is at -3....still needs to get to 0 and my cervix is thinning. It seems like I'm progressing a lot quicker with Ava than I did with Andrew. We scheduled an induction for May 14th. Hoping that's her birth date but she might come sooner, you never know! My doctor thinks she is probably around 6 lbs now and will probably gain about another pound, but they thought Andrew was around 7lbs and he was born 8.6lbs! So I'm hoping she is not that big, that is why I'm being induced. Hoping to take some cute prego pics with Andrew this weekend and I will try to post those. I am definitely getting bigger and I have dropped!

1 comment:

daphne said...

so excited for you ming!! u can't wait to meet ava. still need to work out a time for me to come visit. thank you for the call today and update..lookig forward to some pictures. love u