Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Nap time conversations

Andrew is having a hard time with his nap today. Not sure why that is. He started crying an hour after I laid him down and he's been up every since. He kept telling me that he had to go to the bathroom, so we'd go and then nothing. I'd lay him back down and about 20 minutes later we'd start the process again. About the 3rd time going into his room, this was our conversation:

Me: Andrew, what's wrong?
Andrew: I want rock (his rocking chair this is now in his sister's room)
Me: Rock is in sister's room, mommy can rock you on your bed
Andrew: I want it (points to his chair in his room) downstairs
Me: That's your big boy chair and it stays in your room. We can go rock in sister's room for a minute and then come back to bed.
After rocking for a few minutes....
Andrew: I want big bed.
Me: Okay (we head into his room)
Andrew: I want Ava to be here.
Me: Ava will be here in a few weeks.
Andrew: Okay

L.O.V.E. him and his sweet conversations.

1 comment:

daphne said...

so SWEET!! how was your pedi?? sounds heavenly!!